The Daily Dose/Saturday, October 20, 2017

The Daily Dose/October 20, 2018
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

In The News
Capsule Movie Review: First Man

Regular readers of this crap know we are hardly movie buffs here at The Daily Dose but when my wife said there was an Apollo 11 movie out we deigned to go with her, consent which appears to have also obliged me to accompany her to the upcoming Freddie Mercury movie.

Apollo 11 is one of our earliest memories – or we like to think it is, we weren’t even four-years-old at the time – and regular readers also know we are on record as thinking this is mankind’s finest hour, no debate, don’t even start. So we might be a bit biased. We went in wanting, expecting, to like it and it should be no surprise that we did.

Some are getting worked up over Ryan Gosling’s very low-key performance as Armstrong but these dimwits don’t know what they are talking about. Even the most casual reading into Armstrong shows he was rather reserved and reticent and Gosling did reserved and reticent very well.

Also, some are getting their shorts in a knot over the fact the moonwalk sequence didn’t show the planting of the American flag on the moon. So what? This is a movie, not a propaganda flick and this didn’t bother us at all. We were more annoyed by the fact the actor hired to play Buzz Aldrin didn’t look anything like Aldrin.

Rating Scale: A: The very best; B: Very good; C: Good; D: Not too bad; F: A steaming pile.

Final Ranking: B, barely a notch below the very best movies we’ve seen. If you have any interest at all in this subject, you will like it, probably a lot, like we did.

Today At The Site
Sparrow gets the OK to stop boiling the tap water and Sparrow for Congress starts doing some advertising on today’s edition of The Diary of a Nobody. Plus, he gets off some of his fave lines at the retailer.

…then this young couple placed their toddler on the self-checkout station and from the service desk it looked like they were about to scan him and bag him up and I told them that and one of the kids said something or another and I said well, it’s a good time to buy because kids are a one-third off this week.

The Thought for the Day is a repeat from last November, from Abraham Lincoln on the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.

Not everyone will live down the ages, nor should we want to. Those that do, or try to, face burdens that us mortals do not. That’s their lookout. It’s enough that we produce the life we were meant to live. When we do we will long remember what we’ve done here. 

On This Date
In 1803 – The United States Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase by a 24-7 vote. The treaty had been signed in April and President Jefferson had announced it to the public on July 4th. It is sometimes interesting to read official Congressional journals in these matters but not this time. The official journal of the United States Senate didn’t even refer to the matter, or anything, really, merely noting the “Senate assembled”, considered “Executive business” before adjourning to “11 o’clock to-morrow morning”.

In 1936 – The first Associated Press college football poll is released, with Minnesota, Duke and Army in the Top 3. The highest ranking in the first survey by a team in the current AP survey was Notre Dame at #7. Minnesota would win the first AP national title that year and since then  27 teams have won at least one AP national title.

In 2018 – Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line continue their unprecedented stay at #1 on Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart, at #1 for the 46th consecutive week, the longest any single has spent at the top on any Billboard singles chart. It has been at #1 its entire chart run, too, having debuted there on Feb 25th of last year. Florida Georgia Line’s latest single Simple is #1 on Billboard’s Country Airplay chart.

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
John Rutledge of South Carolina was the second chief justice of the United States. He was appointed to the position by President Washington while the United States Senate was not in session – known as a recess appointment – and the Senate rejected his nomination in December and Rutledge served only 138 days.

Today’s Stumper
What school has made the most appearances in the AP college football poll without winning the AP national championship? – Answer next time!

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