October 11, 2017

Click on the links or scroll down to read today’s drivel:
The Bottom Ten/NFL Week 7
The Daily Dose
The Thought for the Day

Greetings, friends:

One of the fun parts of writing is coming up with a line you really like, something that stands out from the other screed you’ve written that day. It happens today in the Week 7 NFL Bottom Ten. Now, I am not going to tell you what that line is. I’ve learned over the years that lines I think are brilliant sometimes do not register with others. Similarly, there are times when one of you might write and say you though some line I threw in at the last minute is the funniest line in human history.  It happens. It is possible, however, that regular readers of this crap may well be able to guess what it is.

Today’s Daily Dose is a rather light-hearted look at Columbus Day and whether or not we still need it. Meriwether Lewis, Apollo 7 and Saturday Night Live are featured in On This Date, Gore Vidal has the Quotebook selection and there is the Trivia feature, too.

Letting muddy waters clear by letting them stand undisturbed is the subject of our Thought for the Day. 

Enjoy, and thank you for reading.



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