Daily Report – Friday, July 20, 2018

Sparrow makes plans to go see the Dead Sea Scrolls with The Wife next week on today’s edition of The Diary of a Nobody. Also, he does the lawn but only after putting it off as long as possible. Plus he goes to the next county to buy socks and coffee, plus he has dinner at the Mexican joint.

John Dewey, an educator and one of the more respected American philosophers, has The Thought for the Day with a quote about ignorance not being bliss, but slavery.

On This Date:
In 1969 – Man lands and walks on another heavenly body for the first time, as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first humans to walk on the moon. Michael Collins, the command module pilot for Apollo 11, remained in lunar orbit. The landing happened 2,983 days after President Kennedy’s speech to Congress calling for a moon landing before the 1960’s were complete and remains one of the great lines of demarcation in human history, separating everything before from everything that followed. Man would return to the moon five more times but has not left low Earth orbit since Apollo 17 returned to Earth in 1972.

In 1969 – Gaylord Perry of the San Francisco Giants, a lifetime .131 hitter, hits his first major league home run in a 7-3 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers. The home run came about 20 minutes after Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon and about a year after Cleveland manager Alvin Dark said a man would walk on the moon before Perry hit a home run.

In 1969 – As man walks on the moon for the first time, Zager and Evans only chart single, the futuristic  In The Year 2525,  is in its second week at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. It would spend six weeks at #1 and also went to #1 Great Britain and Zager and Evans remain the only act to have their only hit on both charts go to #1.

Thank you for reading. For those of who remember Apollo 11, this is always a fun day.


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