The Thought for the Day – March 12, 2016

Life is being on the wire; everything else is just waiting. – Rick Wallenda

Rick Wallenda is a tightrope walker, part of the family known as the Flying Wallenda’s. This quote came after Rick completed the same tightrope walk that had killed his grandfather, Karl.

Life is being on the wire…

We talk a lot here about finding what we were meant to do with our lives and doing it. The Wallendas were meant to walk on tightropes for the amusement of their fellow humans so they do it. They’ve been at it for four generations now.

Not everyone one walks on tightropes, however everyday life will, from time to time, offer plenty of figurative wires for us to walk on. Usually, these will be opportunities to exceed what we’ve done in the past, to do more than what we thought we were capable of. Some avoid these opportunities because they are afraid of not being up to the challenge and some are afraid they will be up to the challenge. Novitiates may not be ready to meet this challenge.

We must seize these opportunities, however, because while few of us are tightrope walkers, these are our wires and we must walk on them every time they present themselves because our lives have been spent preparing for these.

Everything else has been waiting…

The only way we will advance, both individually and collectively, is to walk on the wire. Sometimes we might fall, but you will be surprised the number of times we make it across.

Now, we cannot be on the wire all the time. That is not the way life is lived. But when it is time to hop on the wire, we must do so.


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