The Thought for the Day – Dan Duffy

No balls, no blue chips. – Dan Duffy, MS2(SS), United States Navy

Dan Duffy was an old shipmate of mine an old diesel submarine, the USS Blueback (SS-581). He was a pretty good cook and from time to time we found ourselves partners in the friendly spades games that happened during the odd hours whenever four of us had some time to kill. We were both pretty good and we made a good team and he had a habit of uttering today’s Thought whenever I took some risks bidding my hand risks, that combined with my modest skills and his confidence in me, usually paid off.

No balls…

It takes courage to get on in this world, but you might be surprised at how little courage is required. Sure, some steps are momentous and require not only courage but a huge leap of faith, but sometimes only the decision to set out and give something a try is the difference between success and failure. As we like to say, no one climbs Mount Everest while wandering around in the Gobi Desert. 

Now, simply setting out does not guarantee success. There are billions of people on this planet all leading random lives and sometimes matters are out of your control. However, you spend enough time on your path, what’s meant to happen will come to you. Some dreams you will catch – life’s great prize. Some dreams will elude you – life’s great lesson. Some dreams you will continue to chase until you die – life’s great challenge.

…no blue chips.

We cannot be afraid of the successes and failures that awaits us. Both may be out of whatever realm we are accustomed to, but the blue chips are worth the work and courage it takes to rake in.

The Thought for the Day runs regularly. Quotes are from Gaylon’s private stock.




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