The Diary of a Nobody/May 21

Meet Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, May 22
I am keeping up with my scratch paper responsibilities at the hotel…Recall the stack on the back desk fell to below an inch and both Brandon and I decided to get it back to at least an inch-and-a-quarter…I am taking this responsibility so seriously I took to tearing up half-sheets of paper, full sheets that have guest information on one half – which you cant use for scratch paper, of course – but have nothing on the other half…Well, there is no reason to waste the half with nothing on it, so I cut the full page in half, shred the top half with guest information and cut the remaining half in half (now a quarter of a full page, for those keeping score at home) and put it on the scratch paper stack.

About 0500 one Mr Burns called, desirous of canceling his reservation for tonight…All right…I tell him I’ll pass off deciding whether or not to charge him for the night, in accordance with hotel policy, to Candace, and then he says his flight was cancelled and the soonest he can get out is Wednesday and he actually wanted to rebook…Well, why didn’t you say so right off the top???…There is no need to cancel anything in this circumstance, we can change the current reservation for arrival Wednesday with little difficulty, nicely putting off a potential cancelation charge decision for later.

His flights for today were probably canceled because of the snow the whole state is getting…Good gravy, we got several inches at the hotel overnight, altho I didn’t notice anything until Saul the Porter drove up to the entrance at 0458 with his car covered as if he had just driven in from McMurdo Station…Good thing I’ve been too lazy to take the snow tires off because the drive home was nothing but slush, which is even more dangerous than snow or ice, if you ask me.

The Shire, tho, got off pretty easy, with only a light dusting…This could, tho, wreck utter havoc with lawn mowing this week…Before today’s blizzard we’ve had rain everyday for most of the past few days and come Thursday, the usual Mowing Day here at The Shire, it may well be too wet to mow…Too bad, because boy, the grass and weeds are growing like, well, weeds…Recall The Shire is right on the left as you enter town and as one of the first houses you see – or last, if you’re heading out – it’s good for town morale to have a sharp looking yard, but with even more rain scheduled for tomorrow, good luck getting any mowing in on Thursday.

The Wife should be home Friday…Recall she is spending some time in Sin City with her kids and she reported they are approaching the threshold where everyone is sick of one another, tho they aren’t quite there yet.

Had an indifferent workout tonight…I think it was because I took a sleep aid before going to bed this morning and that mostly negated my pre-workout supplement…What is almost interesting is the problem was not with the weight I moved – I got in the workout I was expecting weight-wise – but rather with my mental focus…Usually, I have no trouble staying on track but today the mind was wandering…I’d finish a set and wow, look at that spot on the wall, let’s investigate that or, perhaps, I’d start thinking of a song…It was always something.

I was in the gym so late I had to hustle when I got back to The Shire to get out the door in time for my shift at the hotel…I was unusually efficient…I had a bit over an hour to get the cat box cleaned, drink my post-workout shake, get my beef patty cooked and consumed, get a couple of almond butter sandwiches made for Wednesday at the VSO and take a shower…I couldn’t put off the cat box, either…The cat wasn’t protesting yet, but I won’t be home until Wednesday afternoon and there’s no reason to leave it and find deposits left throughout the house.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1000 Tuesday until 1830 Tuesday…8.5 hours for the day and 20 hours for the week, a pretty good total…The daily total is particularly satisfying after only getting four hours last Tuesday…I took steps to prevent that, and I didn’t fart around either, rolling with a dose of Nite-T-Nite medicine, even tho I wasn’t sickies…I didn’t want any of this fall-asleep-at-1700 crap we went thru last week and PMs or melatonin don’t always work.

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.

It was inspired by the 19th century British novel of the same name.

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