The Diary of a Nobody/March 1

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, March 1
The big news is we walked out of the house without our uniform, shirts, and vest…We did remember our tacky red tie, but without the uniform shirts they did us some zero good…It’s tragic, too, because everything had been washed and was put over the backs of a kitchen chair expressly so they would not be forgotten…So we had to make due with our black, dryfit t-shirt…Fortunately, it was freshly washed, and we had our name tag, and we look pretty good with it tucked in, so it all worked out.   

End of month went very well…There was nobody bothering us – despite a music festival weekend sell out – and we were started the nite audit a little after midnite, an excellent time any day of the week…The big news is from the Revenue Desk, where all-time Sparrow Era (SE) records were set.

The festivities were kicked off with tonite’s revenue total: over $48K, which translates to a record ADR (average daily rate; room revenue/rooms rented) of over $400…Our $951K in monthly revenue is a SE record and so are the 3,175 rooms rented…The monthly ADR was a red hair under $300 on occupancy of 96%. 

In the pitched battle between the Assistant Front Desk Manager (AFDM) and the Front Desk Supervisor to see who can come closest to using their $100 restaurant allotment without going over and having to pay the overage, it was closest race yet…The AFDM came in at an organic even-Steven $100 without having to pay an overage…I am not making that up!!!…Everything added up to $100, which is a first…For his part, the FDS came in at $99.96, missing the magic century mark by four cents and regular readers of this crap know this is the closest race yet. 

The airline pilots caused some hilarity this morning…First, the early pilots got their pickup time and airport arrival time mixed up (again) and thought they were getting picked up at 0620, not 0530 like the rest of their crew…We noticed it, but didn’t do anything about it, for a couple of reasons…One, it really isn’t our lookout; they’re professional men and woman and it is up to them to get their departure time right…Two, it was entirely possible they 1) got it figured out, or, 2) actually were getting picked up at 0620. 

They weren’t…The driver was early and we asked and he said there wasn’t a 0620 pickup and when the crew started wandering in, both pilots were there, so plainly they got it squared away on their own.

The other Pilot Issue (PI) may well cause a problem tonite, because one set of zany aviators put down a 1610 departure time, an unprecedented time…This will cause problems because we are sold out for Saturday nite…Combine that with the fact Housekeeping will be long gone by then and you see the problem: two dirty rooms that will be needed and we’ll see what sort of fiasco awaits us tonite. 

The big news – and it is Huge – comes from the Morning Coffee Service Bureau (MCSB), where there are not only new brands of French vanilla and hazelnut creamers BUT – and hold on to your hats here – new brands of cups and lids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…I am not making that up…Out are Solo cups and lids and in are Sysco cups and lids, who I think is also providing the new brands of creamer…


Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1230 Saturday until 1830 Saturday…6.0 hours for the day and 50.5 hours for the week.

This was not Sleep of the Year, tho…We were up more often than usual and our nose was partially plugged and we were too lazy to go and blow our nose and ended up sniffling a lot, which probably annoyed Bandit. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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