The Diary of a Nobody/June 22

It is Read Free Sunday (RFS) at The Diary.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, June 2
The hotel was sold out tonite…There was one last nite, too, but this my first in a while, with the Assistant Front Desk Manager (AFDM) noting our Sold Out Bonus (SOB) tonite was $46 and change….Regular readers of this crap know this isn’t great – sometimes it’s double that – but it’s better than no SOB.

After clocking out the AFDM was sitting on a lobby couch lamenting the utter lack available taxis…This gave him two options in his intrepid quest to get home: make the long 10-minute walk – it’s somewhat behind the hotel – or wait 20 minutes for the bus, which picks up next door, in front of Hotel B. 

His official reason for not walking is bears, which is actually legit…They’re out and looking for food, and while bear attacks are very rare, you simply never know when you’re going to run into a frisky bear looking to make the headlines…So you can’t really blame him…And besides, nobody waits for ground transportation better than the AFDM, so it wasn’t a surprise when he decided to wait for the bus. 

There were a couple of bands in house tonite, with one still to check in when we reported for duty…They had eight rooms, and it would turn out they drove in today from Idaho, which is a long drive from here…They play a gig in town on Saturday and drive to the big city after the show, which probably is as exhausting as it sounds.

One of the members calls and notes they will only need six rooms, and that we could release the other two…He graciously sounded like he was doing us a favor, which almost funny because no we can’t do that…You contracted for eight rooms and we’re delivering eight, dammit…I mean, when you show up expecting eight rooms, we’re not giving you six. ..If you don’t need eight, well, that’s your lookout, not ours. 

Dray the Dairy Delivery Driver (D4) of all people was by around midnite…Recall he and the Mrs are in-house to celebrate a friend’s naturalization tomorrow…Friday had been a very long day for him and he was tired, but he wanted to make sure we had his vehicle information…We only need this for circumstances that seldom arise, but you do not shoo someone off in this situation: you take their vehicle information as if the security of the free world depended on it…The fly in the ointment was no one did a registration card for him, so we printed one out and for good measure also made him sign it…Also, no one took a credit card for his pet fees, so we did that, too…There was already one on file, but D4 said it wasn’t any of his and you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to conclude they merely added on to his last reservation, which was for work…We suggested letting work pay for his pet fees, and anything else charged to the room, but D4, typically, said no. 

We almost missed workout tonite…I am not making that up…We were up a tad later than ideal (see Sleep Log below) and we hustled to get there by 1945, about as late we can get there and still get a decent workout in…So we open the trunk to get our gym bag and reach inside to get our phone because recall entry is with an app now. 

This is our first workout since getting our new phone Friday, so, needless to say, the app wasn’t set up yet…We go to do that and we’re told they sent us an email with instructions on how to do that…Boo for that because email hadn’t been set up, either…We tried to that earlier at work, but the goddamned 2-step authentication instructed be go click on something sent to a device we initially didn’t recognize, but turned out to be Phone #2…So we head home thinking we missed workout, a shame because that means a dose of pre-workout supplement – a $2 value, more or less – had been wasted. 

But it wasn’t!!!…We got home and verification was a snap…Phone #2 had been dug out and charged Friday, so we turn it on and then we again try to set up gmail on the new phone and BOOM there’s a ping from Phone #2…We tap the notification Google had sent and BOOM, our emails start displaying…We open the one from the app and in short enuff order the Open App (OA) is set up…We look at the clock and we can be in the gym working out by 2015, a bit later than ideal but still workable…It was so workable we were out the door heading to the hotel with time to spare.  

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1030 Saturday until 1900 Saturday…8.5 hours for the day and 52.5 hours for the week, both solid, if not spectacular, totals…God bless all of you. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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