The Diary of a Nobody/June 15

Sure, Read Free Sunday (RFS) is a thing at The Diary today.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, June 15
Boy, the Assitant Front Desk Manager (AFDM) had his shorts in a knot tonite…With reason, too…He is not pleased with a variety of things, all of them, frankly, deserving of note if not, perhaps, the outright derision he was showing. 

To wit: no a/c in the fitness center; assorted problems with both pools…The guest laundry room being closed…There not being any towels for guests…That leak we had a couple of weeks ago will not be fixed until September…(The alarm is shut down, too.)…Having to put rooms OOC so he could pirate them for stuff…Those GD bleeping kids that are running around…He was still whining – bitching, rather nicely, actually – when a guest wandered into the lobby and only a couple of subtle motions from yours truly got him to pipe down…Good, because there is no reason for guests to hear employees whining about the hotel. 

The AFDM also let some adults stay in the outdoor pool area after the 2200 closing…He decided to tell me this about ten minutes before he was scheduled to leave…Why is not clear, tho it’s probably because he didn’t want to play the heavy, a traditional AFDM trait…We can’t have this, tho…What if something happens to a guest who’s in the pool area after hours???…One, I’m in trouble and, two, the hotel could be open to some liability. 

We didn’t even blink: we headed out immediately because this is unacceptable…We walked out with some purpose, and we have some size, and you could hear a murmuring or two as I walked up, before I even opened the gate…We weren’t carrying welcome baskets and they knew tablets were about to come down from Mount Sinai.

There were no problems…We told them firmly but graciously that it was time to call it a nite, some even nodding in agreement, and no one said word one…There were about a dozen grownups with a couple of coolers and they even cleaned up and we were back at the front desk in three minutes. 

Then a bit after midnite I get a scam call…These don’t happen too often here, and usually they involve someone claiming to be the owner asking the hapless desk clerk to wire him some money, which desk clerks around the country have fallen victim to…Some have even given company credit card numbers.

This one was different…It was a guy with a Southern accent saying he was from the home office and they’ve been receiving some complaints about our touch pad not working and our credit card machines crashing…He advised he had talked to either Jim or GM – he was purposefully unclear – and that he was told to call back tonite…He asked if I had customers to help and could he do it now???

Wow…An admirable attempt to do some damage to our servers, but this was Red Flag Central (RFC)…First, our tech support is farmed out to India, not Dixie…Second, we don’t have a Jim on staff, and the GM wasn’t in today…Three, no one in the hotel racket uses the term customers…They are universally referred to as guests….We asked him to repeat who he talked to, got the same indistinct answer, told him to call back later, and hung up; a brilliant job of being firm…Tho, honestly, if we were really being firm we would’ve scammed him, asking him for a credit card so we could refund some charges or something. 

Then about 0430 we started coming down with something, our second sickies in three weeks…This is almost unprecedented…We enjoy excellent health and sometimes go a couple of years without coming down with something…Last time it was a head cold; today it was that same sinus crap I’ve had off and on for a few years…Crap, crap, and more crap because this is nothing but two weeks of pain…You can mitigate somewhat with ibuprofen and some sinus medicine, but we never found a way to cure it: you have to wait it out.

So we went to the grocery store where we got the sinus medicine last time and because we weren’t looking forward to two more weeks discomfort we got something else, some Mucinex, a two-pack that had bottles of both daytime and nighttime stuff. 

Acting on advice, we also got some gluten-free food for the cat…Maybe this will help with her trots…It’s a net win financially, too…The can costs $1.29, more than the 88 cents her current canned yummies cost, but the can’s big, so you get two meals out of it…She ate it up, too…She recognized it was different and looked at it and then me, but we told her it was to help her with her trots, and she dove right in on it and ate the whole bowl. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1230 to 1930…7.0 hours for day and 52.0 hours for the week. 

This was a lousy rest, tho…We took the PM Mucinex and good gravy, almost immediately we could feel it…First behind the eyes, which is good because that’s where the pain was starting to assert itself, then all over where it felt like we had been hit by a truck…We went to bed and it took forever to fall asleep, we woke up seemingly every five minutes, and we woke up exhausted…The pain, tho, had gone, so the medicine did its work. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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