The Diary of a Nobody/July 27

Read Free Sunday (RFS) returns to The Diary of a Nobody. Enjoy today’s entry with Sparrow’s compliments.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, July 27
Boy, you could store meat in the lobby, front desk, and back office of the hotel tonite…We advised the Assistant Front Desk Manager (AFDM) of this and he almost cackled because evidently a sub-zero workplace gives him no small amount of glee…Still, tho, in the spirit of compromise – and to avoid working our nite audit shifts when we die of exposure – he deigned to up the thermostat…We went and looked at it a bit later and the display read 64°. 

You upped it to 64???…Where was it at, ten???

The AFDM laffed and said no, that’s merely the current temperature…Soon it would be a balmy 66°…We’re so fussy in our old age that we found 66° a tad warm and lowered it to 65° and when that wasn’t satisfactory, we moved it down to the original 64° without the AFDM knowing. 

The big news – and it is HUGE – is from here on out we will only be offering European Blend for Morning Coffee Service (MCS)…The scourge of that blasted French roast crap is over!!!…O-v-e-r, over!!!

I am not making that up. 

Recall when we first started here a few years ago, MCS consisted solely of European blend, a perfectly satisfactory coffee that produces some zip without causing you to want to go build a freeway overpass…Then Amy conned then-GM Andy into broadening our MCS offering for reasons that will always remain a Mystery of the Front Desk. 

There was an email from the AGM on the matter, too, advising the reason was economic, hardly the Upset of the Year…We’re making a good profit, but they’re still taking economies…We’re not entirely sure what the exact price breakdown is, but we do know a case of French roast is a few bucks more than a case of European blend and our instructions are keep an ear out to see if anyone misses French roast…It’s good riddance from our point of view, tho, because we hate French roast with a passion that will never cease…Instead of a morning beverage, it should be marketed as an engine additive…We are grateful it is gone. 

In other MCS news, we ran out of both types this morning, so we infiltrated the restaurant to steal some of theirs…They’re using some new stuff, too…It’s in a black package and comes in three-ounce packs instead of the 2.5-ounce packs our stuff comes in…Showing a complete – and, perhaps, refreshing – disregard for continuity, we made a full-strength pot and a regular-strength pot, and nobody seemed to notice the difference. 

We’re expecting a VIP later today and, as usual at hotels everywhere, everyone’s going apeshit…He runs the company that owns the company that owns the hotel and no one has been assigned his room for a few days…It was deep cleaned and is checked multiple times every day to ensure nothing’s changed…There’s even a pic of him at the front desk – a not very flattering one, frankly – and in the restaurant and we think it would be funny if he no-showed on us. 

Bandit and I already have a routine when we get home from the hotel…She meets us in the kitchen and makes himself available for pets and even a pick up, before we dive in on things…He’ll hop up on the bed with us when we’re taking off our socks and then he’ll go sit on the chair in the living room while we feed her and clean the litter box…When we finally crawl into bed, he will then ignore us for a few minutes before coming in for pets and cuddles…When we’re ready to fall asleep, we’ll turn off the lite and he knows this is time for him to retire to the end of the bed.

There was good strength in the gym tonite…Recall we’re back to doing a full-body workout and we’re not doing 10-rep failure on the last set anymore…Ages ago when yours truly lost 60 pounds, we were doing 12 reps on all sets and we want to lose some lbs so we’re back to that now…And the 12th rep isn’t failure, either…If we pushed it, 15 probably would be failure. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0930 Saturday until 1800 Saturday…8.5 hours for the day and 48.0 hours for the week, an excellent today considering we spent 70 hours working at the hotel and General Hospital and our treasured regular sleep cycle (RSC) was disrupted. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!



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