It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…
Indeed, Read Free Sunday (RFS) for all!
Saturday, November 25
Assistant Front Desk Manager Q had a couple of new policies for us when we reported for duty at the hotel…There’s a new front desk duty concerning processing registration cards for the day’s arrivals and exciting new policies from the restaurant that will affect both guests and employees.
Actually, the new restaurant policy isn’t really new, it’s merely a return of the policy that used to be in place and was changed for a week or so after the name change…Recall, we used to get half off at the restaurant when we were working, but that changed to only a 20% discount, good anytime…Well, this was met with fury from those who work when the restaurant is open – as it should’ve been, frankly – and the policy is a new employee menu, which has a selection of stuff that is half off the regular menu price…This means you can’t get a half-off prime rib, but there’s a nice assortment on there and it’s not too bad a deal, either.
The change in processing registration cards comes from a change in the half-off coupon we give to guests…Recall it used to be for breakfast only and then they did away with that for a few days but now the coupon is back, tho now it’s good for any meal at any time…The new procedure is that the coupons are now given to the guests at check-in (previously they came and got them in the morning) so the nite auditor now prepares the coupons for each arriving guest.
Those keeping score at home may well have reckoned that rooms will now have to be assigned by the nite auditor, too, because the room number has to go on the coupon, too…This is a pain in the ass, but there has to be a way to assign them all at once…We weren’t able to find it today, but we will…It was a standard feature on other systems we’ve worked, and our system has to have one, too.
The big news – and it’s huge – is that Dray the Dairy Delivery Driver (D4) showed up this morning…I am not making that up…At 0230 the phone rang and it was 254 and he announced himself as Doctor D4, which was pretty funny…Usually, D4 is in Thursday nites, too, but the holiday moved the route to Friday…D4 said he wanted to get an early start heading home and requested an immediate coffee ration…D4 had a helper with him, too, a new guy who will fill in during D4’s upcoming vacation, tho it’s not known if he’ll be up here helping out permanently.
There was both good strength and endurance in the gym tonite, our first workout since before vacation…Actually, our first in two full weeks – since the Saturday before vacation – because we didn’t work out the Tuesday before leaving…As usual, after a long break, we did the Welcome Back Workout (WBW) – about three-quarters of a regular workout – but more than that, we not only resumed moving weight, we incorporated the new workout – medicine ball twists/battle ropes/bike sprints – exactly as we had planned…(Recall we last lifted over a month ago, in deference to some pain we’d been feeling…It was mostly gone today, but we’ll see.)
The deal tonite was a set of weights then a set of twists/ropes/bike sprints…We did it, but boy, it was tuff, we ain’t going to lie to you…It took a while, too, well over an hour, and because your heart rate never entirely gets back to its resting level, that’s over an hour of your heart going at an increased rate, which is excellent cardio…We’ll up the weights back to their normal level next time, and we’ll increase the length of the bike sprints, too…The next scheduled workout is Tuesday nite, of course, but if we’re in bed early enuff tomorrow, we might wake up in time for the rare Sunday Nite Workout (SNW).
Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Saturday until 1730 Saturday…8.5 hours for the day and 57.5 hours for the week, a Herculean total that regular readers of this crap know is a mere 1.5 hours off our PB…We probably could’ve topped it – and, perhaps, even reached the Holy Grail of 60 hours in the sack – with a patented Sparrow Roll Over (SRO), but we wanted to get back in the gym. .
The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.
It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.
Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!