The Diary of a Nobody/May 13

Yes, Read Free Sunday is a thing today.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, May 13
Back at the hotel for the first time in two weeks, it appears that Chris is taking command, at least based on the sheer number of emails he’d sent while we were gone…There were several of them, on such diverse topics as rooms being out of order (OOO) for carpet cleaning, the password for the in-house messaging software, and a request to make sure we’re getting appropriate guest car information at check-in…On this one, Chris noted that there were a couple of times recently when such information would’ve been good to have, tho he declined to give specifics. 

And even if he didn’t send a particular email, he’d reply to it making it seem like was a signatory to it…An example is Controller Candace, who had sent an email concerning filling out the drink coupons we give out because there have been some blank ones lately…You’re supposed to put the guest’s name and our hotel code on there and Candace equated not filling them out as theft, which isn’t completely unreasonable…Chris’ reply really didn’t have any further information on the matter, he just wanted to let everyone know Candace had his full support on this one. 

The big news is while sweeping, new procedures weren’t implemented while we were gone, there is a new nite audit report to generate…There wasn’t an email on it, surprising what with Chris now emailing on everything except temperature changes now, but we were able to figure it out…It’s the Deposit Ledger, which lists all advance deposits we’ve received…Lacking specific instructions on the matter – and deciding the restaurant folks and the advance sales gals probably wouldn’t care about the status of our advance deposits – we included it with the other reports sent out to the Nite Audit Distribution List (NADL). 

$127 and change at the retailer this morning…Good gravy, this was just picking up some things after the hotel, not our usual Thursday Big Shopping (TBS)…But we needed things: cat litter, protein shake mix, branch-chained amino acid, plus foodstuffs for both the cat and, selfishly, ourselves…It adds up.

We were back to our usual good strength at the small town gym (STG) this evening…Recall last time out, Friday morning, was our first workout in two weeks, and the Welcome Back Workout (WBW) set up a good session today…We were secretly hoping for +1 strength tonite, and maybe we could’ve squeaked one out, but there’s no reason to push things at our age…The big news is we had the gym all to ourselves…We are not making that up…Usually, you’d expect someone to be there at 1800 or so on a Saturday – and sometimes there’d be a pretty good crowd – but not tonite…It’s warming up nicely and the evenings are, evidently, too nice to spend indoors. 

With the robins in residence for reproduction duties on the meter next to the kitchen door we’re officially using the front door now all the time now, an act of preservation because getting dive bombed by mommy isn’t any fun…We’re not entirely sure how long they’ll be there because specific records on their arrival and departure dates haven’t been kept over the years – and they don’t come every year and who knows if it’s the same ones – but we seem to recall they’re here for a while, six weeks or so…So ol’ Sparrow is looking on at least another month of using the front door…This is confusing the cat, too…She habitually greets me at the kitchen door and entering thru the front door, which we otherwise never use, is screwing her up. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Saturday to 1730 Saturday…8.5 hours for the day and a robust 54.0 hours for the week, a wonderful total. 

The cat is making it really tuff to get out of bed…Evidently, she missed me because we have been getting head bumps every five minutes and she has spent an awful lot of time on my back when we’re in bed. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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