It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…
Thursday, June 29
Boy, this was a wasted day…Well, from a leisure standpoint it was a complete triumph, but from a Useful Day Off (UDO) standpoint, it was only the barest of successes.
Regular readers of this crap know that when we don’t get to sleep as we normally do on Wednesday evenings it throws everything off…We get a second wind and we are up until Thursday afternoon which – considering we got up at 2130 Tuesday nite – meant we were likely to match our PB of 44 consecutive hours up.
It happened again…Recall we umpired a baseball game Wednesday evening and while were home, showered, and in the sack at 2130, sleep wasn’t forthcoming…We would’ve taken a melatonin or a shot of Zzz-Sleep, but we’ve learned that when sleep isn’t coming it ain’t coming and nothingnshort of a coma is going bring it…So we did some reading and laid there for a while and when 0200 rolled around we got up and while we didn’t go to the gym, we weren’t sleepy and dove in on the usual Day Off Stuff (DOS)…We got the day’s project work done and the time wasn’t a total waste because we did get a Level I cleaning in and the lawn was done.
The Level I cleaning was more or less a waste, tho…It was the first cleaning of any sort in a month and it’s to the point now where a squadron of Merry Maids would need to work around the clock for a week in order to restore even the remotest semblance of cleanliness to the place.
Mowing the lawn was never a certainty – despite the fact it desperately needed a mowing – until we actually fired the puppy up and started pushing it because Sparrow being Sparrow it was entirely possible we’d pull the mower out, put the battery in, and then say screw it…But we didn’t, because the lawn was to the point where people driving by would wonder what the deal is and while The Shire is no longer an annual contender for Yard of the Year, we do like it to look sharp.
Despite the fact we were weary, we got it done in good spirits…It helped that it was still early – 0630 or so when we started – and mornings are still chilly, and there was the satisfaction of seeing the lawn go from rainforest to something deserving of being one of the first houses you see entering the small town and after a shower we reported to bed to see what the rest of the day held.
Not much, as it turned out, hardly the Upset of the Year, because our experience in these matters has shown us sleep won’t come until mid-afternoon, so we were looking forward to a leisurely day of doing very little a quest that – to steal a phrase – was neither arduous nor unrewarded…We did a lot of reading and listened to some stuff and laid there curled up and doing nothing…Well, almost nothing…We got hungry about 1030 or so and actually left the house dressed and planning to go to the restaurant, but sitting down and ordering proved to be more work than we were willing to put in and veered off into the convenience store’s parking lot…When we got home we wasted a shot of Zzz-Sleep because, as noted, sleep will come whenever the hell it feels like it, and we did some more reading before sleepiness finally started rolling in mid-afternoon.
Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1530 Thursday until 2330 Thursday…8.0 hours for the day – about average under the circumstances – and 27.0 hours for the week, a dreary weekly total.
The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.
It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.
Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!