The Diary of a Nobody/June 25

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Sunday, June 25
There was a couple, about my age and all dressed up, sitting in the lobby when we reported for duty, with the lady looking pretty hot, the type of mid-50s blonde that has loved ol’ Sparrow since we were in diapers…Chris later allowed how they were pretty drunk and waiting for ground transportation…We asked, in hushed tones, if we could give only the lady a ride wherever she wanted to go and Chris said probably, noting they were going to the campground on the far side of town.

The campground???…What couple in a suit and long, low-cut dress with hogans hanging out stay at the effing campground???…How do you dress for a formal nite out in a tent???…And what do you do when you get back, oh, honey, let’s get the canteen out for a nitecap before retiring to our cots…We told Chris we hoped they weren’t puking drunk and he said no and they were gone when we actually made it out to the front desk. 

There was a moderately funny instance with a walk-in tonite…Spanish was his first language, but his English wasn’t too bad and between that and my famous Spanglish we were going to be OK…But he got confused while I was making his room keys. 

– Cuanto llaves necisitas???

This means, more or less, how many keys do you need and he said two, in English…We start making them and then, probably figuring English was my second language, too, he holds up two fingers and says “dos”, as if mi Spanglish qualified me as a native Spanish speaker…We would’ve laffed, but he may not have been completely aware of what he was doing – or maybe he was confused – and we didn’t want to offend him. 

About 0445 we’re getting Morning Coffee Service (MCS) ready when two Hispanic guys walk in…They’re English isn’t very good, but Guy 1 makes it clear he’s looking for someone…Well, regular readers of this crap know policy here: we cannot give out any guest information whatsoever, so with typical Sparrowness we apologize and, graciously, tell him that…He asks again, with a more detailed explanation as to why, as if that would help, and then the second guy pulls out his phone, makes a couple of taps, and then shows me the screen, which was as stupid as it was ineffective because even if we could read it – which we couldn’t – we still would not tell him anything…After this they realized the tablets were coming down from Mount Sinai and turned and left, tho the first guy gave me a look that made it seem this whole imbroglio was all my fault. 

Recall Chris didn’t leave a Coke order for last Tuesday, noting the morning shift could figure it out for themselves and we are already feeling the effects of that decision…Now, we’re OK on soda, but water supplies are low…We are already out of SmartWater and we strongly suspect there wasn’t a Dasani water delivery because we are down to our last two cases, which means we will probably run out before next Tuesday, tho occupancy is pretty low the rest of the week and, like you, we’re hoping Chris has an order for us next time. 

The big news is we completely wasted the morning at The Shire…The lawn was begging to be mowed, but we felt a yawn coming on and couldn’t be bothered…Not only that, we forgot Sunday laundry and we neglected to get our vitamins sorted out for the week…Now, we still have some for tonite, but these are important and will have to be done Monday after the VSO…It’s rare when we get lazy like this, but a day spent in bed reading is seldom time wasted, so it’s not as if we sluffed off doing nothing, but still, we are going to be tired Monday afternoon and there will be things to do. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1530 Sunday until 2130 Sunday…6.0 hours for the day, a sluggish start to the sleep week. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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