Sure, what the hell, Read Free Sunday (RFS) is in full effect today.
It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…
Saturday, June 10
Chris’ rise to power at the hotel continues, as he was selected to write and disseminate the annual bear email…We get this every spring because the bears are, of course, out of hibernation and on the prowl for food, and not only do they get into trash cans here, but they’ll get into your car, too, if you were foolish enuff to leave food in there.
Chris did a great job, too, noting that we had to start being “bear aware” while adding that the restaurant “needs to be sure that the dumpster lids are closed and the gates latched as securely as possible”…With Chris seizing all possible power now, this can only be taken as a change of policy because last spring Maintenance Guy Luke, of all people, put a note up in the back office saying that we front deskers were responsible for ensuring the restaurant’s trash cans were secured…Eff that noise because 1) we’re not even entirely certain where their goddamn trash can is, and, 2) we’re hardly going to get in the way between a bear and a potential food source.
Chris closed out his missive – which can only be described as a complete triumph – by using the very senior management-esque “thank you for all you do” and it will be very interesting to see if Chris takes up temporary quarters in AGM Brandon’s office while he is off on his honeymoon for a couple of weeks.
At about 0100 a cute blonde lady who may or may not be 30 actually stuck her head in the back office…She was buzzed and held out a room key and asked if we could tell her what room it would open…We had some zero clue who this was, told her probably not, and got up to be of service…It turns out she’s Courtney, the new restaurant manager, and that she was staying in 159…It’s a pain in the ass to actually verify a room key, so we made her another one and asked how things were going at the restaurant…Well, it turns out they’re going so well she’s already given notice…She said that today she had to get by with only two servers and two bartenders and you don’t have to be Wolfgang Puck to know that can be tuff for a restaurant open from 0700 to 2100, even for one that’s pretty slow…We asked what she was going to do and she said spend time with her kids…We didn’t note that doesn’t pay a whole hell of a lot, tho maybe she’s going to freeload off her old man, tho she wasn’t wearing a ring, something we’ve noted about women as a matter of course almost since diapers.
There was very good strength in the small town gym (STG) tonite…We were very well rested (see Sleep Log below) and were feeling frisky and could see no reason why shouldn’t get an 8-rep workout in and with a couple of exceptions, we were able to…There was a potential fly in the ointment in that there was a guy there with his kid – who are there regularly when we are on Saturdays and Tuesdays – and he had brought in a large speaker and was cranking some music really loud…I have no idea what type it was – death metal comes to mind, but what do I know – tho it seemed to be causing the singer no small amount of discomfort to get the words out.
This is bad…Other people’s music is as noxious as their smoke and we would’ve objected had he been blasting The Sparrow Playlist, much less some crap that would sterilize frogs at a thousand yards…As it was tho, he had the rugrat turn it off as we walked in, which was the courteous thing to do.
The robins appear to be gone, sadly because we never did see any baby robins in the nest they made near the kitchen door…Mama was sitting on the eggs for a while, then a few days ago BOOM there weren’t any robins to be seen…We gave it a few days just to make sure and then we resumed using the kitchen door and no robins dive-bombed us, so that makes it official…We have some zero clue what happened to the eggs and, frankly, we’re too fraidy cat to pull the nest down and look…There isn’t an odor coming from the nest and right now we’re of a mind to leave it until nature forces us to do something.
Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Saturday until 1900 Saturday…10.0 hours for the day and a robust 54.0 hours for the week…We actually woke up about 1700 or so feeling good…Actually, it was 1710 because we looked over and thought great, we’ll hang out here with the cat on our back until the bottom of the hour…This will give us plenty of time to get a workout in and perhaps even some project work…A patented Sparrow Roll Over (SRO) wasn’t even considered, much less executed.
The next thing we know it’s 1900…This means we had to hustle to get in the gym, but that extra couple of hours probably meant the difference between a +1 workout and an 8-rep workout.
The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.
It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.
Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!