The Diary of a Nobody/April 22

Three (3) cheers for Read Free Sunday (RFS) at The Diary.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, April 22
Assistant Front Desk Manager Q was there when we reported for duty at the hotel tonite, the first time we’ve relieved Q in quite a while…He reported that even tho it was a dead slow nite, five of the few arrivals we had for the day were still to come in…He did this with some contrition because it is well known on swing shift that ol’ Sparrow prefers everyone to be in when he favors the front desk with his presence. 

We feigned petulance, staring at him crossly with, of course, my hands on my hips…Actually – and this is pretty funny – my hands are up a bit higher than my hips which gives the whole thing a nice air of childishness. 

We’ve discussed this, of course…You know how I like everyone in…

Q, with appropriate contrition, apologized…For our part, we were forgiving, silently making the sign of the cross…(As it was, one of the arrivals showed up, two had their credit cards declined when we preauthorized them and their reservations were canceled, leaving two actual no-shows.) 

The big news is nail clippers are back at the sundry stand…I am not making that up…And this fresh after some broad last week asked for them…This came up because Q apologized in advance if any of those white packing thingies were found lying around the back office…He noted he ordered a bunch of things and they had arrived and we asked about clippers because, as noted, we’d had a request for them…It’s almost as if Q has the second sight into what guests need, tho I guess if he really was an image on a stained glass window he’d’ve anticipated this need and already had them in stock. 

The clippers are not easy to find, in a basket kept on a shelf above eye level, but there really isn’t a better place for them…Those meek sorts in need of a nail trim will shrug and not ask if we have any, tho those bold enuff to ask will and end up with satisfactory nails…This isn’t ideal because you want to please every guest, but we’re a hotel lobby and not the retailer for Pete’s sake. 

About midnite a guest comes up and says he’s expecting a guest named Rachel to stop by for a visit and will he be called when she gets here…Well, not really, unless she comes by and requests it, tho he accepted our suggestion that we give her a key…This really isn’t in the strictest accordance with the Security Handbook, but it’s hardly a gross violation, either…You want me to give a key to a chick, sure, I’ll do it…A check showed an out-of-town address, tho we don’t have (m)any hookers up here, so who the hell Rachel is will always remain a wonder of the front desk. 

There was +1 strength in the gym tonite…Recall last Saturday there was barely regular strength, but ten hours of sleep (see Sleep Log below) will do that for you…The big news is Sebastian was there…Usually, we only see him on Tuesdays, but he and his buddy were there tonite, trying for PBs in on the bench press…He asked about my weight and we told him that we seem to have stabilized, after a nice period of losing…It’s true: the past couple of weeks our weight hasn’t varied too much…This is surprising because we’ve been in the gym regularly and we’re eating very well, but the losses have stopped for now…Sebastian shrugged and said the scale is useless anyway, true enuff because we can tell we are getting leaner; our waistline and the mirror are both reporting his. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Saturday until 1900 Saturday…A fabulous 10.0 hours for the day and 49.0 hours for the week. 

Those of you keeping score at home have, no doubt, noted the weekly sleep total has been going down a bit and that this is the third week in the last four that has been less than a 50-hour total…We’re as flummoxed as you are tho, perhaps, because we’ve been getting into the gym four times a week regularly for the past few weeks, maybe we’re stronger and need less rest. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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