The Diary of a Nobody/March 7

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, March 6
Assistant Front Desk Manage Q said Front Desk Manager Brandon would be in this afternoon and that Brandon was none too pleased with it…It seems Brandon was squabbling with the airline whose pilots and flight attendants stay with us in ski season about how many late checkouts they are entitled to…The airline says three and Brandon was trying to say no because we’re sold out Saturday night and housekeeping isn’t here that late, usually gone by 1300 or so. 

This leaves Brandon, a fully qualified housekeeper, to clean the rooms and Q said Brandon was planning to take Saturday off, tho why a front desk manager is taking a Saturday off in ski season is not immediately clear…Unless the hotel is in Tucson, where it doesn’t snow all that much and ski season isn’t all that big a deal. 

We had one room available when ol’ Sparrow reported for duty and eventually I rented it so we can count it as a sold-out nite…This lady came in and rang the bell about 0230 and she was so confident we had availability she already had reached into her purse for her wallet and was getting her ID and credit card out and I quoted her a rate of $149, plus tax, which she jumped on it.

Now, technically, the day had rolled over and the sale will show as a day-use room on Saturday’s revenue report and it won’t be an official sell-out, but unofficially the nite auditor had one room to sell when he came in and he sold it, so BOOM, it’s an unofficial sellout. 

The sundry stand was a complete fiasco…There’s a hockey team in-house so, of course, the sodas and ice cream was ransacked and while that’s fairly routine, the storage freezer in the back office was a complete mess…Recall Wednesday we provided a morning meal for our guests because the restaurant was closed and Brandon had gone and dropped over $600 on food.

A lot of it is still left…There are three one-gallon jugs of milk, all unopened, in the back office refrigerator plus enuff yogurt to feed a weekend yoga retreat and there are boxes of juice and milk in the back office coffee room (BOCR). 

And there are still a couple of dozen – at least, a complete inventory wasn’t taken – breakfasts burritos, in a variety of apparently tasty flavors…Not only that, most of them were loose and scattered all over the freezer, which made getting to the Choco-Tacos and Oreo Klondikes tuff and not only that was no shortage of Oreo Klondikes that had melted and somewhat refroze and were damaged and not suitable to be sold to guests…These were thrown out and, on the off chance the burritos will eventually be sold to an unsuspecting public, yours truly field-tested one of them – a sausage, egg and gouda cheese deal – that was pretty good and the whole lot was immediately approved for sale to guests because  I can’t field-test every burrito. 

I farted around with the beard when I got home…Parts of the cheek and the neck are still shaved and sometimes they get a little out of hand for reasons that have never been entirely clear…I mean, I pay attention to it on a daily basis but this morning it was completely out of hand. 

The first thing that was noticeable was – because there are no sideburns – the ends were different distances from the bottom of the ears…Now, I don’t measure the distances with a micrometer, I merely eyeball it, but even at a glance, the top edges were not even…Then it was plain the top edge on the left cheek was a tad farther down than the top edge of the right cheek…Now, I suspect a casual observer wouldn’t notice, but to me, they were standing out like neon signs, so I took action, lowering the right edge to match the left.

Dealing with the uneven top edges on the cheeks, tho, took a bit more thought, more than I really should have spent on it…First I considered lowering the right cheek’s edge to match the left cheek’s edge, but I didn’t really like the look…Then yours truly completely overthought the matter and considered trimming it down to stubble to even it out but that would be an even worse look…So I stood there – in classic Sparrow fashion – staring at it in the mirror with my hands on my hips before deciding to shave the cheeks as I normally would and then trim it down to the usual three millimeters…Now, this means that narrow stretch is a bit shorter than the rest of the beard but eventually it will even out and it’s The Virus Era and the only one who sees me without a mask, more or less, is the cat and she couldn’t care less. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1430 Saturday until 2130 Saturday…7.0 hours for the week and a splendid, even-Steven 50.0 hours for the week…God bless all of you. 

The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Go Gaylon! Follow him on Facebook.  


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