It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…
Wednesday, April 7
Mark is an utter and complete maniac.
After a couple of weeks of using a red pen and a blue highlighter for his cash drawer spreadsheets, he completely mixed it up tonight, using a red pen and highlighter for the date, amounts and his name – itself a radical enuff departure – for the right drawer, but then he switched it up for the left drawer!!!…I am not making that up…The shocker was evident when I opened the left drawer, as if it had been written in neon:
Green ink and red highlighter!!!
Wow…I was as surprised as you no doubt are, but that’s Mark being efficient and using the pens and markers that were at the station he happened to be counting at…I gotta be honest, tho, I’m already looking forward to seeing what’s in store next week.
The hotel is having a tuff time finding a full-time desk clerk, which is hardly a bulletin because everyone in town is having trouble finding people…There was an article in the paper this week about how the unemployment rate was now down to 5% up here which is almost to the point where every ski bum who can pass a drug test – never in any great supply – and who wants and can hold a job has a job.
As a result, Front Desk Manager Brandon is working his arse off…He relieved me today for a 10-hour shift and is working almost 50 hours each of the next two weeks, including six days next week…Not that we should feel sorry for him…One, he doesn’t work for free and, of course, his old man’s the owner so he’s the heir to the throne so every hour he puts in is more or less a contribution to his retirement plan.
Unlike last Wednesday, when I did so little at the hotel and the Veterans Service Office (VSO) the day was declared a Sparrow Double Shift Day Off (SDSDO), I was generally plugging away at something all the time today, if not the actual work I was paid for, then project work and it was slow both places so I got a full day’s worth of project work in…Ol’ Sparrow was good until about 1400 when the brain declared it had enuff for the day, and the final two hours was spent watching stuff at leisure until it was time to go.
At the VSO I was able to be of service to Mrs A…She’s the lady who contacted me last week curious about what benefits might be available to her dad, who needs an awful lot personal attention in his 98th year…As noted, the VA does pay for what it calls aid and attendance for aging veterans who had qualifying service in one of our wars…Today ol’ Sparrow was able to get the paperwork generated for her to fill out…There’s no small amount of it and it can seem daunting, but I told her it’s actually fairly logical and yours truly, of course, was here to provide all required help.
I actually saw her twice today, in between her sessions of helping her dad and I gotta be honest and say – at the risk of sounding completely heartless – it’s not completely bad to have been spared the burden of caring for aging parents…You want your parents to live forever, of course, but, boy, she spends virtually all of her time right now taking care of Dad…This cannot be easy and yours truly is glad he got off rather easy on the aging parents’ front.
The 1000 WebEx regional VSO meeting was on educational benefits…These benefits are really complicated and to make it as GD effing complicated as possible, the benefits vary from era to era and it was so confusing ol’ Sparrow ended up not knowing a whole hell of a lot more than before than he had before the session
Yours truly decided not to head south today for tomorrow’s second COVID shot at the VA because he wanted to sleep in his own bed tonite and get a workout in tomorrow, tho, tragically, there probably won’t be time for a soak.
Sparrow’s Sleep Log: In accordance with standard Wednesday standard operating procedure (SWSOP), there is no sleep to report for today.
The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.
It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.
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