The Daily Dose/Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Daily Dose/August 18, 2019
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

The Sunday Bottom 5
The very best of the very worst of the week that was:

  1. President Trump, Real Estate MogulSunday Bottom 5 pollsters were “pretty sure” President Trump wanting to buy Greenland was fake news, however you never know with someone who thinks the moon is part of Mars…Turns out White House staff actually looked into it, which shows no one White House staff was either smart enough to know it was not doable, or wasn’t brave enough to tell Trump.
  2. New York YankeesLed by man-child manager, team now nothing more than petulant children who who argue and bang bats against dugout roof when they don’t get their way…Sunday Bottom 5 pollsters “pretty sure” this isn’t way game was meant to be played.  
  3. Jeffrey EpsteinStill dead child molester judged to have killed himself by NYC medical examiner…What does she know???…Clintons, British royal family, Elvis, still high on list of murder suspects for conspiracy theorists.
  4. Major League BaseballRecord for most three home run games by a player about to fall, as everyone except Amerian League pitchers seems to have accomplished feat in 2019…Sunday Bottom 5 pollsters “pretty sure” this isn’t way game is meant to be played either, but are reserving judgment until after attending 8/27 Red Sox/Rockies game.  
  5. Fake NewsPresident Trump Fact Check gets week off from usual spot in five hole, replaced with twaddle we were believing this week…Click here for fake news wrap up.

Today At The Site
The Diary of a N obody: Sparrow deals with a man wearing lederhosen. Today’s Diary. 

This is not my first shift at a hotel front desk, but I cannot recall ever seeing someone in lederhosen, complete with that hat, too…What’s more, he looked completely at home in lederhosen…He had a casual air about him that, rather subtly, also whispered hustler, tho exactly what kind of hustle you can run in lederhosen, especially here, still isn’t clear.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life.

More drivel! Click on the button to read all of The Diary of a Nobody. 

 $5.99 includes all entries, past, present, and future.

On This Date
In 1920 – The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution – allowing women to vote – is ratified when it is approved by the Tennessee legislature. The Amendment had been sent to the several states – after no small amount of contention in Congress – on June 4, 1919 and was first ratified by Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan on June 10th. The final state to ratify the Amendment was Mississippi in 1984. Mississippi was also the last state to ratify the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, doing so in 1995. 

In 1982 – Pete Rose of the Philadelphia Phillies established a new major league record with his 13,941 plate appearance as the Phillies defeat the Houston Astros 5-3 in 15 innings. Rose broke the record established in 1963 by Stan Musial and retired in 1986 with 15,890 plate appearances, a record that still stands. 

In 1973 – Diana Ross is at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the only week with Touch Me in the Morning. It was the second solo #1 for Ross, who has also hit #1 twelve times with the Supremes. The song also peaked at #5 on Billboard’s soul chart and was Billboard’s tenth biggest hit of the year.

A ship does not sail with yesterday’s wind.
Louis L’Amour
The Walking Drum

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
The United States has yet to have a spacecraft land on Mars. In 1978, four probes from the Pioneer 13 mission impacted the planet, but the Soviet Union remains the only country to land a spacecraft on Venus.  

Today’s Stumper
Who holds the American League record for most plate appearaces in a career? – Answer next time!


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