The Daily Dose/Friday, August 9, 2019

The Daily Dose/August 9, 2019
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

Friends, your Daily Dose will return.

Click here to read today’s edition of The Diary of a Nobody. It’s on the house. Here’s a preview:

The only real problem was discovered when The Wife was unpacking:

“Honey, where are the oars???”

Back at The Shire as it turned out…The Wife, eager to get on the road, had taken charge of packing and had forgotten them…Heroically, she tried jury rig one with a long branch she’d found however neither her sandals nor the top to the first aid kit made a satisfactory paddle… This was of no particular consequence because it spared me the effort of putting air in the Why Not and having to lug it to the lake…Recall I was up early and had lifted and mowed the lawn and I was tired and, between you, me and the lamppost, I was content to sit in a chair and do some reading.

The only real blemish on the day came during lunch, when yours truly was attacked by a hummingbird, causing me to drop half of my sandwich (I had torn it in half for manageability’s sake) causing some dirt to get on the top slice of bread…A trooper, I dusted most of it off, added some more mayo, and ate it anyway…

Thank you for reading,


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