The Daily Dose/Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Daily Dose/July 13, 2024
By Gaylon Kent – America’s Funniest Guy™

 Leading Off
Notes from around the human experience.

Leading Off will return. 

Today At The Site
Writing worth reading. Usually. 

The Diary of a Nobody – Sparrow tries something different. Today’s Diary. 

The big news is we did switch up our at-home morning coffee routine (AHMCR)…


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On This Date
Extra, extra, read all about it. 

In 1863 – Riots in New York City protesting a draft for the Civil War begin. The rioters were primarily Irish-American males who didn’t want to fight and who resented the fact others could pay $300 – about $7,400 in today’s money – for a substitute. It later turned into a race riot, with the Irish attacking free Blacks who made more money than they did and didn’t have to worry about getting drafted. The exact death toll is unknown, there were over 2,000 injuries, and hundreds of buildings were destroyed in three days of rioting. 

In 2014 – Germany wins the soccer World Cup, defeating Argentina 1-0 in extra time in Rio de Janeiro. It was the fourth and most recent title for Germany and the third and most recent runner-up finish for Argentina, to go along with three titles. The go-ahead goal was scored 23 minutes into the extra period, which is 30 minutes in length and is not sudden death. Earlier, the Netherlands had defeated Brazil for third place. 

In 1963 – Barbara Lewis is at #1 on Billboard’s soul chart  – then known as the Hot R&B Singles chart – for the second and final consecutive week with Hello Stranger. It was the first of nine soul hits for Lewis – a figure that includes hits on the Cash Box soul chart when Billboard was not publishing one – and remains her only appearance at #1. The song also peaked at #3 on the Hot 100, and in 1977 a version by Yvonne Elliman went #15 pop and #57 soul.

Some Philosophy Crap
The wisdom of the ages. Whatever.

I saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all
Ecclesiastes 9:11


Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Knowledge is power.

Five chief justices of the United States had previously served as associate justices: John Rutledge, Edward Douglass White, Charles Evans Hughes, Harlan Fiske Stone, and William Rehnquist

Today’s Stumper
Match wits with Gaylon. It’s not that hard.

How many countries have hosted two men’s World Cups? – Answer next time!


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