The Daily Dose/Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Daily Dose/October 30, 2023
By Gaylon Kent – America’s Funniest Guy™

The Daily Dose is on hiatus. 

Today At The Site
Writing worth reading. Usually. 

The Diary of a Nobody – Sparrow reports the VSO is cold. Today’s Diary. 

Good gravy, it was 9° F outside when we got here and it wasn’t a whole hell of a lot warmer inside…

The Bottom Ten/NCAA Week 10 – The penalties, turnovers, and missed tackles continue in the race for the ESPNCup. 

Commodores again hampered by turn-of-century decision to merge Student Affairs, Athletic departments as university laundry attendants, temporarily coaching defense, insist players put on fresh uniforms after every play, resulting in NCAA record 725 penalty yards…

Army hampered by pregame Defense Secretary ruling requiring squad to audible in code, which was broken thanks to UMess spies stealing Army code book before game…

Cougars going down harder than whore with fleet in, with B-10 fan(s) everywhere remembering old adage about never underestimating Washington State’s ability to lose out…


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