The Daily Dose/March 30, 2021
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy
Friends, The Daily Dose is on hiatus while we work on yet another reader-depleting project. Assorted elements, however, like Leading Off, The Sunday Bottom 5, On This Date, Some Philosophy Crap and Trivia may run occasionally. The feature will return in its entiretly later this spring.
Today At The Site
Writing worth reading. Usually.
The Diary of a Nobody – At the hotel, Sparrow has to get tough. Today’s Diary.
There were multiple contacts with the two gals in 263…Initially, they called right after yours truly reported for duty looking to scam their way into the pool…I apologized and said no and the chick whined in a manner that implied she was accustomed to getting her way thru whining and finally I had to apologize and say I wasn’t able to accommodate that, which is #2 on the Denial Scale, right behind “no means no” which, frankly, is mostly used the cat and seldom used at work.
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