The Diary of a Nobody/May 14

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Sunday, May 14
The big news is the hotel’s new owners bought Hotel B next door…I am not making that up…Chris had the news for me when we reported for duty tonite…Longtime readers of this crap may – or they may not – recall that we worked at Hotel B (as well as, simultaneously, at Hotel A next door to Hotel B, they were under the same owners) for a while a few years ago. 

Chris also noted that with this acquisition the new owners have removed the GM posting on the job board and replaced it with an Area GM position…We then asked Chris, with typical Sparrow good humor, if ol’ Sparrow’s job was still posted at the job board (recall it has been since October) and he regarded me with some surprise and said yeah, it was…We noted that something had come up that had caused me to ask then-GM Andy what the deal was and he said don’t worry, it’s just in case I left, they have no plans to replace me…I told Chris this was believable and he nodded and noted two things: that the new owners had told Andy this, too, and that he had put in for my job, which made me laff…Chris added he never got a call back from them. 

We then mentioned to Chris that we had worked at Hotel B for a while and that the nite audit there is really easy, taking all of 15 minutes…Chris said that was good because he was about to go find out for himself…It seems Hotel B does not have a nite auditor every nite and he was going to go over and run it, adding a sign with our hotel’s phone number will be left at the front desk in case anyone needs anything. 

Fabulous…Exactly what in thee hell is ol’ Sparrow supposed to do here???…Hell, there is literally nothing I can do for anyone at Hotel B…Guests checking in, or who have lost their key, or are having a stroke, or merely looking for someone to talk to are all out of luck…Well, we could give someone a room here if need be and let Tammy or AGM Brandon worry about the billing later, but other than that, anyone needing anything more than a weather report over there is doomed…All I can really do is write something down, tho exactly who in the hell I’d give it to isn’t immediately clear. 

Later, Tammy noted there were snags with the sale, namely that the old owners had workers living there who apparently were only being paid in lodging at the hotel…Maybe a few bucks to eat on…Recall we saw that when we worked at Hotel A and Hotel B, there were people both living and working there, apparently for less than yours truly was making because we were eventually phased out, which led to us working here.  

We asked Chris how Andy (recall they’re brothers) was doing and he said very good, they sold the house in the small town…The county assessor’s site didn’t have the sale posted yet, so we’re not sure how much they got for it, but they had to’ve made a decent profit off the 310K they paid for it a couple of years ago. 

This also brings up the question of what the deal is with Chris…Recall he lived with his brother and his wife…So we asked and he said he is going to stay in town and will move in with Maintenance Guy Luke…Yay and boo…Yay for cutting the commute from the small town down by 99.362% because Luke lives almost next door…Boo for having to live with Luke and his two dogs, tho Chris says he likes dogs. 

With spring here it’s time to start trotting out the excuses for not mowing the lawn…The longest of longtime readers will recall that when The Ex and I bought The Shire in 2014 ol’ Sparrow’s glee at doing the lawn – every hour on the hour if need be – was boundless…That glee has subsided somewhat over the years tho, to the point where regular readers of this crap may – or they may not – recall we actually hired a kid to mow it for us a couple of years ago…Well, we ran out of excuses today and we are more or less pleased to report that the first mowing of the season is in the books. 

We tried really hard to put it off, tho…Our initial plan was to do it this morning but we pleaded exhaustion after getting from the hotel…We had a pretty good rest (see Sleep Log below), but before succumbing to the inevitable, we reviewed our list of excuses. 

First, we strongly suspected the grass was still wet because it was raining pretty good when we returned from vacation Thursday and there’d been only two dry days since…Then, since it was late afternoon, we thought/hoped there might not be sufficient daylight…But days are longer now and there was plenty of daylight remaining…A quick check of the forecast showed the scattered showers called for were still a ways, off, too…We were so desperate for an excuse we even considered a Level II cleaning, but that was whack even to us…Our last, desperate hope was that the mower’s battery wasn’t charged…No joy there, either…So there we were: satisfactory weather, a working lawn mower, and a lawn that (really) needed to be mowed…To not do it would be lazy, and while we have some, perhaps significant, street cred here, we headed out. 

The Shire’s lawn remains an eclectic mix of grasses, weeds, and whole grains, and we could’ve sworn there were some succulents near Main Street, but we’re hardly the go-to guy there…We were so pleased with our efforts, we went to dinner at the restaurant, on the theory that there would be some decent Mother’s Day specials…That theory was sound…We ordered a prime rib and some bacon-wrapped shrimp to start, but when they brought the prime rib first we got snitty, noted the shrimp should’ve been brought first, and then canceled the order…We only tipped a dollar, too, and only left that because the mobile app they used wouldn’t let me leave nothing. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1000 Sunday until 1730 Sunday…7.5 hours for the week, a strong if not a spectacular start to the sleep week.


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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