The Daily Dose/Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Daily Dose/April 30, 2019
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

Leading Off
The headline said astronomers have discovered our universe is both expanding faster than we, they, thought and is a bit younger, as well. These two discoveries appear to be shaking the astronomical community up in no small measure, with the smarty-pants concluding that either they are missing some mistakes they’re making or have not completely zeroed in on what the universe is trying to tell us.

Fortunately, it is beyond the scope of this feature to explain the full details of this exciting, new discovery, however, what people a lot smarter than the staff here have discovered is that the universe, first discovered to be expanding in 1929, is actually expanding at a rate 9% faster than originally thought, which means the universe could be up to 1.3 billion years younger than originally thought.

While we can see astronomer’s angst in this shaking of some bedrock beliefs, this is really a matter of no consequence. Like all great explorers, they’ve found what was there to be discovered, which is all we should expect of people who do things like this for a living. If we’re finding some things are different than originally thought well, yay for that because that means we’re evolving and are smarter than we used to be. It merely reinforces we are human, that everything we do know is merely an introduction to what we don’t know.

While humbling, it’s also OK, as much a part of our human experience as breathing. New discoveries like this should not shake us too much, but merely spur us on to finding out what there is to know.

Today At The Site
The Diary of a Nobody
Sparrow has some moderate walk-in traffic at the hotel, and can finally scan stuff at the VSO.

Then I went to test the scanner, but IT Adrian, despite last week’s claims to the contrary, had not added a folder for me in the scanner system…Resisting the urge to go down to IT and smack him around, mainly because I have some zero clue where the IT office is, I sent him an email and within a half-hour or so he was at my door saying he had the matter fix, so we went and scanned some hotel tax exempt paperwork I (still) had lying around, he showed me where to find the drive and folder they’d be in and BOOM, I can scan now…He also said he was looking into getting me a signature pad…God bless IT Adrian.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life.

Endless drivel: please click on the button to read The Diary of a Nobody. $5.99 includes all entries, past, present, and future.

Criminals, Courtesans, and ConstablesFriends, my latest novel is now available, for $3.99 until later this week when the price goes up a couple of bucks. Criminals, Courtesans, and Constables is about a nice guy who runs high-class call girls in and out of 5-star suites and throne rooms, collects ransoms and runs from the constables. Hilarity ensues. Seriously.

Click here to read excerpts and a sample chapter.

On This Date
In 1945 – Adolf Hitler and his wife of one day Eva Braun commit suicide in Hitler’s bunker in the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. Hitler shot himself while Braun bit into a cyanide capsule and shortly thereafter their bodies were burned. Hitler’s duties were absorbed by Karl Donitz and Joseph Goebbels, Berlin would fall on May 2 and Germany surrendered early in the morning on May 7.

In 1996 – The New York Yankees and Baltimore Orioles establish a new major league record for Longest Nine-Inning Game, the Yankees 13-10 win taking four hours and 21 minutes. In addition to the 23 runs, the game featured 28 hits, 13 walks, four errors and ten pitchers. The record is now four hours and 45 minutes when the Yankees beat the Boston Red Sox 14-11 on August 18, 2006.

In 1977 – Marvin Gaye is at #1 on Billboard’s soul chart – then known as the Hot Soul Singles chart – for the first of three consecutive and five non-consecutive weeks with Got to Give It Up. The song, originally titled Dancing Lady, would later spend a week at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was Gaye’s tenth and final #1 on the soul chart and the third and final #1 on the Hot 100. Gaye was shot to death by his father at the family’s Los Angeles home in 1984.

“What did he do?”
“He made counterfeit dimes.”
Dimes? Jesus Christ, what kind of ambition is that?”
Charles Bukowski
Ham On Rye

Answer To The Last Trivia Question
Eddie Murray holds the major league record for Most Games Played, First Baseman with 2413.

Today’s Stumper
What was Marvin Gaye’s biggest hit on Billboard’s Hot 100? – Answer next time!

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