The Diary of a Nobody/October 12

Sure, it’s Read Free Sunday (RFS) at The Diary. Enjoy.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, October 12
With two-thirds of the hotel down for new sprinkler installation, they’ve taken to farting around with our hours, with everyone losing an hour and half each week…This is a cheap and shortsighted act if you ask us, and we’re not pleased with it, but no one in town is looking for a nite auditor right now, so they are getting away with it….It should also be noted that ol’ Sparrow customarily leaves early from time to time, so the actual net loss to the ol’ bank balance will probably not even be noticed.

So we were 50 minutes early for our shift…We were scheduled to clock in at 2230 instead of our usual 2200 and we had left Tuesday morning without checking the schedule…And we were early for even a 2200 start because we left The Shire early enuff to get a trip to the store in…We put the time to excellent use, too, getting out our laptop, sitting at a lobby table, and doing the project work that is normally done after we get back from walking the hotel…In fact, we scheduled everything to post at 0300, meaning we didn’t have to mess around with anything, a savings of 45 minutes.

The new guy, Keenan, was there when we reported for duty, and while we farting around before shift he found himself looking for the restaurant key to let someone in who forgot their phone…He’s never needed it, so he had some zero clue where it was kept…We told him it was in the key box in the upper lefthand corner, but he reported it wasn’t there…(We use it every morning to let the chef in.) 

There is no need to panic here, because it is entirely possible – probably even likely – that ol’ Sparrow left it in his vest pocket when he left Tuesday morning…So we check, and BOOM there is was, right where we’d left it…Those of you keeping score at home may well be wondering how the hell the chef got let in the previous three mornings, but the Front Desk Supervisor (FDS) worked and he has his own, personal restaurant key, and doesn’t need the one us masses are obliged to use.  

Regular readers of this crap know that the Assistant Front Desk Manager (AFDM) is whom we usually relieve for our Friday nite/Saturday morning shift and it was unfortunate he wasn’t there because the AFDM can generally be counted for the latest hotel news and gossip…This is important because communication here blows, and if the AFDM doesn’t keep me updated, no one will…Keenan doesn’t appear to be a gossip by nature, and he’s new, so not only doesn’t anybody tell him anything to begin with, he wouldn’t know what to look for anyway…So if there’s any news on the new GM front – or anything else – we won’t know until we see the AFDM again.

Actually, the big news is there is even a newer guy on staff, with Kenny having signed on to work the three nites yours truly is off…And he already has some dayshift hours in…The FDS will be training him on graveyards starting next week.  

We were up early enuff to get in the gym for a full workout, but we ended up with an abbreviated workout…The fly in the ointment was we found ourselves confused as to what day it as…This is rare, even with the odd hours we keep: we can generally be counted on to know the day when we wake up…Lord knows we’ve been doing it long enuff…Not today, tho; we found ourselves thinking it was tomorrow and then we realized it was today and we could workout, but by the time we got in, we had lost a half-hour or so…Still, tho, we were strong…We will take tomorrow off, which should set the stage for a +1 workout Monday nite.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 0900 Saturday until 1800 Saturday…9.0 hours for the day and a splendid 55.0 hours for the week, a great day and week in the sack…We can’t rest on our laurels, tho; a new Sleep Week starts Sunday…There is no rest for the weary…Well, yeah there is, especially at my house, but you know what I mean.   


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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