The Diary of a Nobody/June 8

Yay for Read Free Sunday (RFS) at The Diary.

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Saturday, June 8
The big news at the hotel is the parking lot was about half flooded…I am not making that up. 

We had just reported for duty and the Assistant Front Desk Manager (AFDM) was talking to a guest who noted that the water level in the parking lot was getting up there…Gulleys, culverts, and other low-water areas surround the parking lot, and it is not unusual for these to fill up…But years ago the hotel blew good money on elevating the parking lot and there is seldom excess water…Even last winter when we had out-the-arse snow, the parking remained more or less dry…The AFDM noted that these had not been the first guests to note there was water in the parking lot, and he wondered aloud if maybe one of us shouldn’t go check it out.

He had a point, so we went and looked and good gravy, you needed a motorboat to navigate the back and far side parking areas…Water was flowing over the sidewalk in the back in two places, and you didn’t have to be on the Flood Control District’s board of trustees to wonder if someone hadn’t built some sort of diversion somewhere, because this much water was unprecedented. 

There were also seven arrivals when we reported for duty…It is generally well-known that ol’ Sparrow prefers everybody in when we get there and when they aren’t the AFDM does a very good job of showing appropriate contrition…Tonite, he apologized profusely and we got a pretty good line in when we took over, wondering if there were any other manifestations of his gross negligence, malfeasance, and incompetence, which, now that we think about it, might well end up being a Line of the Year candidate. 

There was an email from the AGM waiting for me that had an offer for comps to the symphony later this month…The offer is for two tickets and it’s reserved for valued community partners, like the hotel, which provides comp rooms for visiting performers and their crew…We’ve gotten tickets with a voucher before and we decided to run a test we’d run before. 

Years ago The Ex had a friend who volunteered for at the facility and she offered a promo code for two comps…There was a show The Ex wanted to see – and this was back during the time we didn’t mind leaving the house – and I was authorized/ordered to look into it…We’re farting around the website and picked two tickers sort of in the back on the theory that that would be the area the voucher would be good for…We’re about to checkout and we think, “screw it, let’s see if the voucher is good for these two seats up front”…They were primo, too, front row just to the left of center…So we go and change the seats to the pair in the front row and work our way back to the checkout page and BOOM our balance is $0.00…The show was wonderful and The Ex – as well as everybody who saw us sitting in primo seats – were suitably impressed. 

The fly in the ointment, honestly, is our interest in the symphony on a Saturday nite later this month is circumstantial at best…Just for funsies, tho, we decided to see if this little loophole had been closed.

It hadn’t. 

A check of the seating chart showed that the exact same seats we got years ago were available, too: front row, just to the left of center, for $115 each…So we start the process and enter the promo code and BOOM another zero balance.

Now, we didn’t press the Order button immediately…There are a couple of factors working here…One, of course, using a promo code for front row, $115 seats really isn’t in the spirit of a promo code, no matter how valued a partner the hotel happens to be…Two, honestly, without the email from the AGM we wouldn’t have considered going in the first place…But comped front-row seats to a pretty good orchestra are not passed out with the rations and Carolyn and I are back in touch and she loves things like this, so why not???…Besides, they’ve had several years to correct this blip in their system…If they don’t want to give away front-row center seats, they shouldn’t be doing it…So we hit Order and now all we need is a date for later this month. 

There was pretty good strength in the gym tonite…Not great strength…We’re still a tad sickies but our only real complaint is some minor nasal crap…This means it’s OK to work out, but you don’t really need to go balls out just yet…You must respect the sickies, even if you’re 90% better…So weights were a tad less than usual, and final sets were weights where failure would’ve 12 reps or so, instead of the usual ten. 

Sparrow’s Sleep Log:
0630 Friday until 0930 Friday
1730 Friday until 2030 Friday
1030 Saturday until 1730 Saturday

13.0 hours for the time period, and there’s a new Heavyweight Champion of the World because the 63-hour total for the week is a new PB, breaking the old mark by four hours…I am not making that up: it was a historic week in the sack for ol’ Sparrow…God bless all of you. 


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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