The Diary of a Nobody/May 14

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, May 14
The big news is the summer vest made its debut tonite, marking the first time we went to the hotel without a jacket since October…We even wore the summer ranch hat, too…Key here is not so much the temperature when we leave The Shire, but what the temperature is going to be when we leave the hotel…You must dress for the coldest temperature and we’re pretty much wusses here and demand AM temperatures to be above 40° in order to wear the vest and ranch hat…(Actually, over 45° is the preferred temperature, but after a long winter, there is some cabin fever to be dealt with.)…We seem to recall this being a bit late in the season for the vest to be making its debut, but we haven’t been keeping a spreadsheet on this vital matter and we trust/hope you haven’t been, either. 

Here’s this week’s Coke Order (CO)…The Front Desk Supervisor remains on vacation:


Tragically, our pic of the original source material got eaten alive, but take ol’ Sparrow’s word for it, it was a mess, a jumble of last week’s order and cross-outs and rewrites…We were unable to make heads or tails of it and it looks like a mathematical proof in support of some new computer code…Not clear, either, was who was responsible for this…Kylie is the lead suspect because she worked today and – with Tammy on vacation – will be working when the Coke Guy (CG) comes, so maybe it’s her own, private shorthand. 

And the days of putting wifi code stickers in key packets is over!!!

I am not making that up…And the question must be asked: did ol’ Sparrow call it, or what???…Because recall when we started using the new smaller key packets earlier this week we noted the Access Code Label (ACL)  barely fit on one side…In fact, there was even a millimeter or so over overlap…This wasn’t that big a deal, except for when you didn’t get the label all the way on the packet, in which case you had Access Code Label Overlap (ACLO), which isn’t the best look to give guests…From here on out, the AGM advised, we will write the access code on the packet. 

This, of course, eliminates one of the more tedious of nite auditor duties: printing out the labels and sticking them in the packets…Actually, it was a harmless, mindless duty that could be done while binge-watching stuff, but we’ll miss being able to whine about having to do it. 

The AGM scooted early, too, hardly a bulletin since it’s still slow and there wasn’t much for one person to do, much less two…He was grateful for this, noting his wife was waiting to do the Wordle with him, and the earlier he got home the earlier this vital husbandly obligation was completed. 

Dray the Dairy Delivery Driver (D4) was by around 0450 and he was pleased to report this will be his new Lobby Arrival Time (LAT) from here on out…This is because those rats at the grocery won’t take deliveries from him until 0600 and his first delivery, at the retailer, can be done anytime, so there’s no reason to get up at zero-dark-thirty anymore…That was about all we got out of D4 this morning, tho, because right then the last remaining arrivals – a group of workers – showed up, and they had three rooms and even tho they were already checked in, they spoke little English and even with my trusty Spanglish, it took some time to tell them where they could park their trucks and where their rooms were and D4 had to get going. 

The news from the sundry stand freezer is huge: pizza has been moved from the bottom shelf to the top shelf…I am not making that up…They been laid three across on the bottom since we started here a few years ago but someone – this time there are no suspects – decided change was in order.

Pizza now occupies the right side of the top shelf, where ice cream used to be, and because there is room to stack them, you can actually get four boxes of pizza in there now, instead of the three you could get into the bottom…In theory this is a win for the consumer, but we only carry peperoni pizza, so it really it’s a wash. ..(The ice cream, by the by, has been moved to the bottom shelf, where there’s enuff room to provide ice cream for a frigate.)

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1130 Tuesday until 2330 Tuesday…12.0 fabulous hours for the day and 26.0 hours for the week, an excellent figure in its own right.  


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

The Diary of a Nobody was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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