The Diary of a Nobody/June 17

It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…

Tuesday, June 17
And the Coke order is back!!!…I am not making that up…Our long national nightmare – er, our weeklong nightmare – is over…Not only was this week’s Coke order emailed to the usual recipients, but it was stapled to the logbook, too…Here it is:

Coke Order
1 Cherry Coke
1 Sprite
1 Diet Coke
1 Sweet Tea
1 SmartWater
4 Dasani

A rather modest order, even during the current period of somewhat average occupancy…But Chris said something interesting (when doesn’t he?), noting that he is starting to get the kibosh from someone – he pointed up, indicating someone upstairs – on spending too much money at the end of the month…(He didn’t say who, we didn’t ask, and don’t even have a lead suspect to offer)…We found that interesting because unless there are expenses we don’t know about, the hotel is making pretty good dough right now, but Chris, mimicking a hand salute, said he just got what we needed to get thru the week and didn’t bother stocking up, something I know had to break his heart.

Chris was checking in a Hispanic couple when we got to the front desk…They were in their 40s and it was tuff to tell if they were a couple or just hooking up because the senora was wearing these really tight aqua pants (noting professionally that she still has the tush to pull this off) and a pink top that was valiantly trying, with indifferent success, to restrain her bosom…Her husband/man looked like a waiter, and was actually a tad smaller than her: rather trim and short…Chris has zero Spanish so – in the spirit of international helpfulness (IH) – we threw assorted words as the check-in process wound down, useful things like llaves (keys) and cuarto (room), tho my Spanglish didn’t have anything for “far wing”, so I pointed like a flight attendant on those pre-flight briefings and it wasn’t completely unfunny.

Chris also pointed out we have a gen-u-wine, certified rock star in-house…We can’t divulge who it is of course, but if you’re reading this there is a high level of probability you’d recognize the name…He’s in town for a show, obviously, and he’s registered under a code name of a 17th-century English philosopher, and he’s staying in a regular room and not a suite, which we found surprising, but the band appears to be paying their own expenses, so that could have something to do with it.

For the second time this week, a box of coffee has been replaced in the back office before it really needed to be…Recall when we came in from our day off someone had replaced the European blend box even tho it was nowhere near needing to be replaced…Well, when we came in tonite the French roast box had been replaced even tho it hardly needed to be, either.

Chris is the lead suspect for both of these, but we’re not going tactical and dusting for fingerprints on the boxes or anything like that…One, we’re not capable of dusting for prints, and, two, what if it’s not???…What if someone else is putting fresh boxes of coffee in the back coffee room???…We may not want to know who it is…Besides, we don’t have fingerprints on file for everyone here, and it would be too much trouble to get them.

An older lady asked us our opinion about a product at the sundry stand…She and her husband are regulars because she has a standing appointment at the hospital for Tuesday mornings and they stay here because it’s better than driving in from the next county and one or both of them are often up wandering around at zero-dark-thirty…She showed up at 0230 or so with a sack of Cheez-Itz and a Vitamin Water and she wanted to know if Vitamin Water was any good.

Not really, I told her…There is some solid vitamin content, but it has 26 grams of sugar and we pointed out that is an awful lot…She looked at the bottle thoughtfully for a while before deciding another 26 grams of sugar isn’t going to make that big of a difference one way or the other and said she’d take it anyway.

Dray the Dairy Delivery Driver (DDDD) was by about 0300 and, of course, a fresh pot of European blend coffee was ready for him…He did not have an update on whether or not his wife retiring or not…Recall the grocery store she works at south of here is closing soon and DDDD confided she is getting pestered about the matter enuff at work and he gathered – with those trusty husband instincts that are ignored only at peril to the husband – she wouldn’t want to discuss it at home…We nodded knowingly.

Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1430 Tuesday until 2130 Tuesday…7.0 hours for the day and 19.0 hours for the week, both dismal totals.

We have some zero clue what the hell happened regrading the late go-down time…Regular readers of this crap know we are generally asleep by 0900…We took some melatonin before retiring and usually that – or a shot of ZZZ-Sleep – does the trick but not today…We gave it a go for a couple of hours but nothing, so we dove in on some reading and at 1330 took a shot of Zzz-Sleep just to reinforce that it was sleep time, an eventually dozed off…So we slept thru workout.


The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence. 

It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name. 

Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!


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