It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…
Thursday, February 2
Boy, the cabin is at the point now where even a solid Level I cleaning doesn’t have much effect…We did dishes and vacuumed and did laundry and it is still a mess, which means it is well past time for a professional cleaning.
We only got some cardio in at the gym today because even before we left we knew we wouldn’t be in the mood to lift…The problem is we’ve lost some weight and we are not taking in the calories we usually do: normally we eat two sacks of frozen vegetables a day – which appears to really shrink your stomach – and then add a thousand calories to that and we’ve been stuffed and we are starting to see the (modest) results in our waistline…So if we did try to lift weights, we probably couldn’t do anything more than two pounds and there’s no point in that…So we did some cardio and didn’t even bother with a soak…We blew $36.59 at the retailer in town after that and we were in the chair reading by 1000, an excellent time.
The big news at the gym is they put new locks on some of the lockers…Recall the ones that came with the remodel started breaking after a few weeks and the new ones appear to be quality, but who knows…It’s academic, really, because this is a world-class ski resort and not the hood and we’ve never had a problem storing our stuff in an unsecured locker, tho just for funsies we tried the new lock out on our usual locker – 107 – and it worked flawlessly.
The locker rooms are really the only major flaw in what is otherwise a first-class facility…The locker rooms are small and cramped and so are the lockers, with ol’ Sparrow actually using two of them at times
Almost interesting is the fact we won $200 in that Lucky 4Ever lottery game…We are not making that up…Recall we got $15 in gratuities at the hotel last week, so we bought seven quick picks, banking the remaining dollar…Well, those earned me five more quick picks and one those matched four numbers (one number away from $25K a year for life and one number and the power number away from the grand prize – a grand a week for life) which means $200 in ol’ Sparrow’s pocket.
Which begs the question of what to do with the two C notes???…Two bills are two bills…It’s dinner at the steakhouse with Julie or a one-third (or so, depending on how much we drink) subsidy at the fancy French joint (FFJ)…We’re not broke, tho, and don’t need $200 to keep the lights on and our policy. dating all the way back to last December, is, of course, to let our lotto winnings ride and if we do that, that is 100 quick picks…How do we play them, tho, all at once or spread them out???…It’s all random chance, so it probably doesn’t matter tho, perhaps, a hundred chances at the same numbers might be better odds than ten chances at ten separate numbers…Who the hell knows???…I’m just a humble nite auditor and not Jimmy the Greek and we stayed out of tonite’s drawings, preferring to let the matter sort itself out.
The big news is those sickies we reported on last week really hit today…Recall last week we reported on a sinus problem that came back, but it had been pretty low-key until today, with only some mild discomfort…This afternoon, tho, the pain really started in…We were in the chair reading when it struck and while the usual pain relievers helped, it felt like there was a ping-pong ball in our lower right sinus and if you look closely you can see the swelling in the mirror.
We got a call today from a chick at the home warranty company…We usually don’t take unscreened calls – or any other call for that matter – but under the circumstances, we thought it could be them and it was…She advised they were having trouble finding a contractor to come out and look at my water heater and told me that, if I wanted, I could find someone myself and they’d reimburse me…All right, that’s fair enuff, so I told them sure…This is hardly a bulletin, because we live in the sticks and they may not have contractors in town.
It was a gorgeous winter’s day today: the wholesale snow is gone for a few days, and so is the brutal cold, temperatures were in the 20s and we saw Mr Sun for the first in what seemed like a week today, which was really good for morale, and it was so nice ol’ Sparrow came really close to going for a walk, but ultimately decided against it.
Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1800 Wednesday until 0130 Thursday…7.5 hours for the nite and 32.0 hours for the week, both solid if not spectacular totals.
The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.
It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.
Coming soon! Gaylon’s books in actual book form!