The Daily Dose/Monday, June 28, 2021

The Daily Dose/June 28, 2021
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

Editor’s Note: Gaylon is working on a project and most elements of The Daily Dose – Leading Off, The Sunday Bottom 5, On This Date, Some Philosophy Crap, Trivia – are either on hiatus or running intermittently. Your full-service Daily Dose will return later this summer.

Today At The Site
Writing worth reading. Usually. 

The Diary of a Nobody – Sparrow is unable to immediately produce a useful plan for getting his luggage to his car. Today’s Diary. 

Initially, the plan was to go to the lobby, get a cart, return to the room with it, load the cart before hauling it down to the car and returning the cart to the lobby and then returning to the room…Offhand, I thought this was a lousy plan, but I was unable to come up with a better one but, knowing me as I do, it was presumed a more efficient solution would present itself before this imbroglio of a plan was actually implemented.

Of course, the logical solution, which presented itself right before I went to get the cart, was to drive to the front of the hotel, get a cart, take it to the room and load up, return to the car and load up before leaving the cart at the front entrance for someone else to use, a wonderful solution. 

Some Philosophy Crap
The wisdom of the ages. Whatever. 

…the essence of statecraft is to know when to do nothing at all.
Gore Vidal


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