It’s Sparrow, an average man passing an average life…
Saturday, April 3
There’s a law – sort of along the lines of the Peter Principle – that states that work expands to fill available time…I am finding that to be true at the hotel because despite the fact we no longer have to deliver folios to departing rooms – not to mention the fact it’s slowing down – ol’ Sparrow is still wrapping up his duties around 0100, the same as when he was obliged to deliver folios to departing rooms.
And you can only blame pesky guests so much…Plainly, there is too much farting around going on where there used to be only grim determination to get done…I’m still arriving early and getting coffee and whatnot going, but instead of pouring a cup and getting started at the front desk, I’m sitting in the back and enjoying most of the cup of joe before counting drawers…And then once I’ve retired to the back office, there’s a second cup of coffee to enjoy and some online farting around.
So I’m still getting done about 0100 and I’m not entirely pleased with it because one of the reasons you have this job are the idle hours where you can do things…This varies on the person…I do project work, of course, but I’ve known nite auditors who have worked their way thru school or used the downtime to snooze, getting some rest for a second job.
And with slow season coming there are simply too many primo idle hours to waste wasting time…So the rest of this week we are going to dive in with alacrity and try to have everything done by 0030 – even earlier on really slow nights…Now, it’s not as if the extra half-hour is going to make a ton of difference in project work progress, but maximizing all available time will be good for morale.
In key news, there are a couple of things concerning the #2 keyring…First, the #2 key has been made remade…Recall the original two key was broken when some ding-dong front desk clerk gave it to a guest who wasn’t smart enuff to work the lock properly…Then the replacement was merely a house key in disguise and wasn’t the professional, duplicate–only-under-penalty-of-death ones the original was, but this new #2 key is.
Also, the keyring it’s on – which includes the cash drawer key and the sundry stand cabinet key – was put on one of those keyings with the retractable cords that clips to your belt…Thing is, tho, it wasn’t the first-class one I have, but round, silver, cheap imitation…It wasn’t too big, tho, and fit nicely in my vest pocket.
There were three arrivals remaining when I reported for duty and in a mild upset all three showed up…Usually, in this situation, one or two could be counted on not to show up, but all came, which is good because all were checked-in and billed for their stay…One guy who arrived about 0100 said he was here with his dad and noted dad tended to snore…I held out a hand and shook it as if I was imparting some top-secret knowledge.
Look, I have some earplugs in the back…You’ll love them…I started using them the second nite The Ex spent the night and I still use them.
I didn’t even blink, either, immediately heading to the back office without authorization from the guest…When I got back he looked grateful, and even took a pair for dad, for reasons that may never be entirely clear.
The mystery of the airline crew’s transportation to the airport – once thought to be solved – only deepened this morning…Recall last week they were all in the lobby and were heard to leave and then promptly at 0605 the driver for the taxi company shows up wondering where they are…Well, also recall Front Desk Manager Brandon said he’d heard they’d changed shuttle companies and we both figured that’s that, mystery solved.
Wrong-o…Today I’m out at the front desk at 0600 and I figured I’d stick around to see which shuttle company they’re rolling with now and BOOM at 0604 a bus from the original company shows up…I am not making that up…So who the hell knows what is going on now.
This will be a busy month…Thursday I have my final COVID shot appointment at the VA hospital south of here and there’s vacation later this month, a Legion district meeting yours truly – as district commander – will be presiding over and at the end of the month there’s the annual, sort-of-delayed VA physical at the teleclinic in the next county…Good thing I got a solid rest day in last Thursday.
The big news at The Shire is the tulips are making their first appearance, always a sign spring is here…They’ve only pushed out a couple of inches and are still green and it’s good to see them persevering despite the fact with The Ex gone they don’t get half the attention they used to.
Sparrow’s Sleep Log: 1300 Saturday until 2130 Saturday…8.5 hours for the day and respectable 47.5 hours for the week.
The big news is ol’ Sparrow only woke up to use the can once…Well, this isn’t real big news because this happens from time to time, but usually only when I wake up once…Every other time I wake up, because of a dream ending or whatnot, I’m usually trotting off to use the can…Not today, tho…Dreams woke me up a couple of times and I was able to execute a patented Sparrow Roll-Over (SRO) and get back to sleep.
The Diary of a Nobody is a novel. All elements are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Anything else is a coincidence.
It was inspired by the 19th-century British novel of the same name.
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