The Daily Dose/Monday, March 29, 2021

The Daily Dose/March 29, 2021
By Gaylon Kent
America’s Funniest Guy

Editor’s Note: The Daily Dose continues on hiatus while Gaylon works on yet another reader-depleting project. Assorted elements, however – Leading Off, The Sunday Bottom 5, On This Date, Some Philosophy Crap, Trivia – may run occasionally. The entire feature will return later this spring. 

Today At The Site
Writing worth reading. Usually. 

The Diary of a Nobody – Sparrow deals with a cheapskate at the hotel. Today’s Diary. 

After I’d had the nerve to quote her a not-completely-unreasonable $149, plus tax, her husband comes on with a load of cheapskate questions: is that my cheapest room???…Don’t you have a closet or pump room we could stay in???…Are there any cheaper hotels in town???…How about a Motel 6, is there a Motel 6 in the area???…Now, they may have been cheap by necessity, but good gravy, if you can rattle off these questions off the top of your head, you have significant cheap street cred (CSC).


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